Beyond Biology

Factors that affect Fertility.

In the intricate journey towards parenthood, understanding the factors that affect fertility is paramount. From biological elements to lifestyle choices, various components contribute to the delicate balance that shapes the conception landscape.
In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key factors influencing fertility, offering insights that can empower individuals and couples on their path to parenthood.

From Hope to Harmony: A Journey Transformed by IVF

Meet Sarah and James, a couple whose dreams of parenthood were rewritten by the magic of IVF. Their story is a testament to resilience, love, and the life-changing impact of assisted reproductive technology.

In the beginning, Sarah and James faced the heartbreak of infertility. Despite their unwavering love for each other, the path to parenthood seemed elusive. Undeterred, they turned to IVF as a beacon of hope.

The journey was not without its challenges, but each obstacle only strengthened their bond. From the initial consultations to the anticipation of each fertility treatment, Sarah and James weathered the emotional rollercoaster together. The support they found in each other and their dedicated medical team became the pillars of their journey.

Then came the day they had been longing for – a positive pregnancy test. The joy, the tears, the overwhelming sense of gratitude – it was a moment that changed everything. IVF had not just given them the gift of a child; it had rewritten their narrative, transforming heartache into triumph.

Sarah and James are living proof that sometimes, in the midst of life’s challenges, miracles happen. IVF wasn’t just a medical procedure for them; it was the catalyst that rewrote their love story and filled their lives with the laughter and joy of parenthood.

South Korea's Fertility Challenges

It’s a reality that has left the country with the lowest fertility rate in the world since 2013. Across South Korea, women are choosing to have fewer children — or none at all — as they contend with a rise in the cost of living that has hit young people disproportionately hard. At the same time, marriage rates are down more than 35%, according to the last 10 years of available data, as more South Koreans are increasingly prioritizing work over starting a family.

Known Problems Of The Immune System

Irregular immune responses during pregnancy can result in various complications affecting both the mother and the developing fetus.

Below are indications of abnormal immune reactions during pregnancy:

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL): Defined as experiencing the loss of three or more pregnancies before reaching 20 weeks of gestation. Causes often include genetic factors (fetal chromosomal abnormalities), hormonal issues (thyroid disorders and diabetes), or immune system factors (abnormal immune reactions during pregnancy).

Evidence suggests that an irregular immune response may contribute to recurrent pregnancy loss. One hypothesis is that an excessively active immune system may generate antibodies attacking the developing fetus, leading to miscarriage. Another theory suggests that immune system malfunction may result in chronic inflammation, disrupting implantation and early fetal development.

Various immune-related conditions linked to recurrent pregnancy loss include antiphospholipid syndrome, autoimmune disorders, and thyroid dysfunction. Treatment may involve addressing the underlying immune condition with medications such as corticosteroids or immunoglobulin therapy.

However, it’s important to note that not all cases of recurrent pregnancy loss are due to immune-related issues. Other potential contributing factors include obesity, uterine abnormalities, advanced maternal age, and lifestyle choices such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Women experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss should seek medical attention to identify underlying causes and receive appropriate treatment.
Pre-eclampsia: A severe pregnancy complication that can develop after the 20th week of pregnancy, characterized by high blood pressure and damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys.

It is believed to result from abnormal immune reactions in the placenta, causing inflammation that damages blood vessels in the mother’s organs, leading to high blood pressure, proteinuria (excess protein in the urine), and other symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

Abnormal immune reactions in pre-eclampsia may also involve the formation of antibodies against the placenta, further damaging blood vessels and impeding the flow of blood to the fetus.

Premature Birth: Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR): IUGR occurs when a fetus doesn’t receive sufficient nutrients and oxygen from the placenta for its growth and development. Although the exact cause of IUGR is not fully understood, it is believed to involve various factors, including abnormal immune reactions in the placenta.

IUGR can lead to various fetal health problems, including low birth weight, respiratory distress, and developmental delays.

Research indicates that in certain IUGR cases, the mother’s immune system may assault the placenta, causing inflammation and damage to blood vessels. This damage can impede the flow of nutrients and oxygen from the placenta to the fetus, resulting in slowed or restricted fetal growth.

Abnormal immune reactions in IUGR may also involve the activation of specific immune cells, such as macrophages, which can produce inflammatory substances damaging the placenta and impairing fetal growth.